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Moving Forward…

2022 was a good year and I was in no particular hurry to see it end. I've hit four years of being NED/NEAD (no evidence of disease/active...

…another C word

Healing and recovering from cancer and chemotherapy is a lengthy process. Just because treatment is over doesn’t mean the aftermath...

Heart to Heart

Three years ago, I entered into the dark realm of chemotherapy. We went big, going with a tough combination of drugs for 20 weeks...

Getting Wiggy With It...

One boob, one drain, one ball and no hair. Rawr, hawt, right? Anniversary Dinner in a fancy place. Challenge accepted and defeated!...

Anything but normal...

“Find your new normal,” they said. Well, life was anything but normal before my diagnosis and I’ve since discovered a whole new...

Blog: Blog2

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