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Can Bald Be Beautiful?

So here I sit with a shiny bald head, one glorious boob, one flat side and a testicle on a tentacle again while walking in circles from...

2024 National Cancer Survivors Day

Almost 6 years ago, cancer came into my life, growling like a crazed tiger. It pounced on my life, creating new fears and a new way of...


My week started by losing a Mantra Band with the quote, “She Believed She Could, So She Did.”I was surprised at how I didn’t panic nor...

I’m No Beauty Queen

Decades ago, someone told me that I was not the type of person that would ever grow to be beautiful, pretty or cute. That’s a cold hard...

Another Pinktober…

Just as quietly as October came in, it leaves. Quite frankly, I’m glad. My 5 year NED/NEAD/Cancer Free day came and went without fanfare....

Rabbit Hole Revisited…

It’s still breast cancer awareness month and having Suzanne Somers pass away last week hit hard. I know she had cancers decades ago and...


I am approaching 5 years survivorship and then more importantly 5 years of being Felicia free  (I named my tumor, one of the perks of...

Second Chances

Y’all haven’t heard from me in a while. I’ve been surprisingly busy, and that’s a wonderful thing! I’m approaching my five year...

Moving Forward…

2022 was a good year and I was in no particular hurry to see it end. I've hit four years of being NED/NEAD (no evidence of disease/active...

…I’ve Got Bones to Build…

The months of October and November were busy with medical appointments and tests for me, one of them being the DEXA-bone density-scan. ...


I think there really is such a thing as Post Cancer Stress Disorder (PCSD) it just hasn't been given a name yet. Can someone create a new...

Deja vu?

Life after cancer is definitely not the same as before. Let’s not kid ourselves.  Anyone who tells us to just get over it and move on is...

…another C word

Healing and recovering from cancer and chemotherapy is a lengthy process. Just because treatment is over doesn’t mean the aftermath...

National Cancer Survivor Day

When I was diagnosed with cancer, it was as if someone had hit the Stop and then the Fast Forward button of life for me. Time stopped....

Let the Sun Shine In

Often times, I am intrigued at how my cells just woke up one day and decided to run amuck in my body. As a result, I’m very vigilante...

It’s a Numbers Game

From the moment I was diagnosed with cancer, my life became all about numbers. 1 tumor 1 biopsy 36 hours of waiting to hear "You have...

Cancer 101

Two years ago, I completed a long sixteen-month process of ridding my body of cancer. From the beginning, I did all I could to learn...

Resolve Over Resolution

Pink has always been a color of happiness and good health to me, long before cancer came into my life. It still is the color of...

Heart to Heart

Three years ago, I entered into the dark realm of chemotherapy. We went big, going with a tough combination of drugs for 20 weeks...

My Cancer After - Life

Pinktober has ended, but, for some of us, awareness is ongoing. September and October are odd and bittersweet for me. It marked the end...

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