From the moment I was diagnosed with cancer, my life became all about numbers.
1 tumor
1 biopsy
36 hours of waiting to hear "You have cancer, but we got it early)
1.9 mm is how big they thought it was (HER2+ grows hella fast like a vicious monster)
5.5-hour operation to remove and begin reconstruction (bye Felicia)
1 double mastectomy
1.2 mm is how big it really was (whew!!)
Micro in 1 node (well shit, that meant chemo)
Stage 2
4 rounds of Adriamycin and Cytoxan (red devil med the crazy red head)
4 Neulasta on pro injections (omg I can still feel the bone pain)
12 rounds of Taxol
18 rounds of Herceptin and Perjeta together
2-hour reconstruction
2 new boobs - I really wanted a squeaky toy or at least glow in the dark!
45+ hours in the chemo chair
Then the lovely word of remission and NED. Here I have remained. There are new numbers that start at that point. Percent of recurrence is a frightening one, being HER2+. That one is a bad one but, now, it's treatable when caught early enough. Before Herceptin and Perjeta, it was basically a death sentence. Slowly, oncologists have developed protocols that have bought the rate of recurrence for early stages down from 1 in three to significantly smaller. If you re HER2+, realize that the 1/3 statistic is from old research and new ones are finalizing soon showing that it is much less now.
I know what my rate is and it is less that 4%. Another number but perhaps not to frightening anymore. I have a 96% chance or greater of becoming the eccentric old lady I've dreamt of. Research has shown that the first two years from removal of cancer are critical as that is when it is mostly likely to come back. I am well past that. So, where exactly am I?
I am 3.5 years since removal of cancer.
I am exactly 3 years out from completing chemotherapy
.I am slightly over 2 years out from completing Herceptin and Perjeta
Those are some serious numbers that have allowed me to add numbers of years to my life. Knowing numbers has allowed me to not gamble on life, not take losing risks. I am adding more and more fun things into my life while subtracting the things that are not. As summer begins, I'm looking forward to a tattoo, or two...everyday is a chance to add something new to life, what are you adding?