So I walked out of the cancer cave and into this coronavirus firestorm? Holy shit, this is the spring of my rebirth? Maybe y’all can learn a little somethin’ somethin’ from me about protecting yourselves and family. I’m gonna try and if it falls on deaf ears, so be it…
While I was in chemotherapy, I had to really think hard about what I did and when. My immunity was hella low. I did go to the gym because it was encouraged. I listen to my oncologist as she is the professional and the one I need to listen to. Good cardiovascular exercising does help boost immunity and helps with the whole chemotherapy process. Now, we are advised not to go, so I don’t.
Grocery markets are a hot bed of germs. I chose when to go and had wipes with me and would immediately wipe everything down when I got home. My immune system wasn’t shot to shit, I had some, not much but some. My counts never dipped below the threshold of treatment. It has since gone up but my counts are nowhere near what non chemo patients are. Guess what, kids? We aint got no immunity to this new covid-19. None of us do. No way in hell is my ass going to the supermarket now! I send my husband instead.
Here’s how we do it. He has a list, whatever he buys goes into a laundry basket that he leaves on the kitchen floor. He immediately goes up to shower and decontaminate. I don some gloves and a mask and wipe down everything that I can that he purchased before putting it away. Once that is done, basket is bleached and put away. Counter and floor is scrubbed with detergent (nice soapy water because covid-19 dies a bubbly death). Once it is dry, bleach solution is used to wipe floor and counter down again.. Gloves and mask then tossed. Get the picture?
Why such a stealth operation for food? Easy, this virus transmits too easily. None of us have immunity. Please, take a moment to really think about that. No one is immune. What about those of us with compromised immune systems? We need you to take this very seriously. I don’t want it near me or my household. This social distancing thing ain’t no joke.
Let’s talk about social distancing and self quarantine. In the lightest sense, it means to really pick and choose what you do and where you go. Life changes. What they are really hoping for is that society limits their contact in enclosed spaces. It’s fine to make a grocery run but be smart about it. Wipe stuff down, don’t linger because it ain’t social hour now, don’t buy all of the food either. Stepping out to hit the market is a needed trip, it’s a no brainer, do it but be wise and be kind.
Do what you can to support your local businesses that you love. By all means, get some takeout, pop a movie in and relax for a night. Buy some local goods online and do curbside pickup. For both of these instances, decontaminate when you get home though.
Use this as a time to really connect with your kids and spouses. It’s fun. Do things you would not ordinarily do. Those of us with kids are now thrown into the homeschool learning thing with online lessons and work from school. Make the most of it and realize one very important thing. Those teachers scrambled to put things together for our kids all while trying to maintain their own disrupted lives. Be kind. They are in this with us too.
You’ve all entered into my reality. You are supposed to be running into my former cave to help yourselves and people like me. I’ve returned to my cave and you should all join me. Don’t take it lightly. It’s spring, we all want this monster of a virus to go away as quickly as possible. If all people in all communities act as a collective whole across the globe, we can flatten the curve and get this to calm down. Do your part. Please.