Cancer and chemotherapy brings forth many challenges, physical, psychological and financial. Luckily, there are many organizations out there willing to lend a hand. I want you all to have this list. Print it out and put it some place safe and pray to God you never need it. If someone you know has been hit with this awfulness, pull this list out and get to work. Contact these places and provide some relief, smiles and comfort to them. provides free house cleaning services for chemotherapy patients. Cleaning sucks big time when you’re feeling awful from treatment and this helps a lot. They don’t service my area but perhaps it will be of help to someone else in need. If you are or know of a person who owns a cleaning company, please, please please, ask them to participate in this. It is such a needed service.
Hair. Losing hair sucks ass. Winter or summer. Doesn’t matter. It sucks. There are all sorts of options to chemo patients from wigs to beanies to scarves and wraps. Some for free. Here are some of my fave resources… It’s exactly as it sounds. It’s a lovely organization that provides pink wigs for those who have lost hair due to chemotherapy. The oncologist needs to give you a prescription worded something to the tune of “cranial prosthesis for chemotherapy induced alopecia.” It takes up to two months to get one once approved. It was by far my favorite wig. It’s meant to make us all smile. It’s pretty, comfortable and feminine. Most of all fun. Cancer and cemotherapy sucks more than you could ever know but the light hearted fun that comes from such a cute wig was much needed for me. Please consider donating to this organization if you have no need. They are amazing at providing some love and smiles to us. The American Cancer Society has many “Gift Closet” locations where they will help cancer patients find wigs that fit and look beautiful, free of charge. Where I went was a tiny room set up like a little salon/wig shop. They are trained to help and do so graciously. If you are in NJ, I contacted the one at 7 Ridgedale Avenue in Cedar Knolls. They do more than just wigs though. They will help arrange rides to and from treatment and lodging should you need to travel far for treatments, both free of charge. The next time someone does Relay for Life or any fundraiser, please donate something to them. I can assure you that the patients do greatly benefit from their services. sells some of the most beautiful head wrapping kits I have ever seen. used to provide a kit free of charge to women. I have one and felt like a queen with mine. Purchase a kit for a woman who has lost her hair. They are gorgeous and worth every penny. I will be gifting mine soon to someone in need. provides head covers and they’re adorable!! Go under “contact us” on their site for more information. more pretty head wraps, with pretty tails on them. and provide inserts for those who chose to remain flat. These are free of charge and make a huge difference for women. helps women learn about how their appearance will change during chemotherapy and how to do their makeup differently and care for their skin. I love them. Sometimes the cancer centers will provide patients with this information and help them get into a session. If not, use this site. It’s a class setting that runs a few hours and each woman is given a kit complete with full sized makeup specific to their skin tone.
For premade little bags of comfort and love to chemotherapy patients…
FoyeBelle.Org they will send out a lovely tote bag full of things to help get us through, plus, the navy blue tote bag itself is cute and amazing for hauling things to and from the cancer center. provides bags of love to women that has soaps, hand lotion, socks and other goodies. It comes with a book. Read the book. She was an amazing woman and an insipration. If you'd like to donate to them, do it. will send out a smile kit as well
If you are a caregiver or a friend to someone undergoing chemotherapy and want to put together a bag of love, here’s some ideas of what helps…
Get a nice tote bag and immediately find a cozy throw that will bring a smile or giggle to them. It doesn’t need to be expensive. Hit WalMArt, HomeGoods, TJMaxx or whatever... but this is your base. Now add candies for dry mouth, small purse sized tissue packs (because the nose runs like a damn faucet when there’s no hair in it), Biotene (we need this by the gallon),a fun reusable water bottle, cozy but crazy looking socks, hand sanitizer in a pretty scent, hand cream that’s not full of crap and a spare charger for their phone and then wedge something random and hilarious in there. Get creative and do it. The free kits I got were lovely, but trust me, if you make one yourself and surprise them with it, they will love them and the items will be used.
Instead of saying “Let me know what I can do to help?” do something, don’t ask. If they have kids, take them to the movies or have them over for an afternoon so that they can rest or just take a breather. Get gift cards to their local restaurants. Trust me on this, that’s a huge help, especially if there are kids in the family. Arrange for restaurant deliveries on the patients terms. Here’s the skinny on this, I heard many times, “let me know how I can help,” however, I never did say anything. It was too awkward. I was greatly appreciative of the friends who took my sons for several afternoons and overnights. It took a load off of my plate. My husband’s school pitched in and got a gift card to a gourmet place that delivered lovely premade meals to my home, including dessert! Friends made meals that were so needed in the doldrums of chemotherapy. Wonderful and warm baked goods dropped off on a cold snowy morning was nothing short of heavenly. I had a bunch of angels looking out for me.
Do something, anything, don’t ask, just do. If it takes the patient a while for the thank yous, please realize they are overwhelmed with many many things but I can assure you, they are appreciative.
Reach out to me for ideas or even to ask me to go shopping with you. I’m always up for that. If there are things I have not shared here, please tell me. Let’s all try to make things better and brighter…
