Three weeks out of chemo and things are changing and improving. I am able to stay awake past 8pm and actually get to enjoy watching television again! The feet, leg cramps and eye twitch are gone for good now. Those were awful and would hit if I was not drinking electrolyte water. I would be plagued with lower back pains 5 days after treatment as my white blood cells would be in production in my marrow. They would literally make me freeze in my tracks for a minute or two as it passed. So very grateful not to deal with that anymore. I still have the thirsties and am drinking at least 4 liters of water per day but I am not feeling as dehydrated as I had been and that is getting better on a daily basis. I still have slight rashes on my legs and arms. They burn a little but cortisone 10 makes it better. The metallic sour lemon from hell taste is still lingering but not as strong and I can now taste food again.
I have a perpetual runny nose but the nosebleeds have stopped! Big Yay!! My husband asked me the other day if my nose hairs were coming back yet. I didn’t know the answer to that one so I waited til everyone was gone and proceeded to use mirrors to look up my nose. Drip drip yuck. So I dried my nose as best I could and used a flash light. I couldn’t see anything. I dried my nose again and stuck my finger up the nose. Nope, no hair. Dammit.

I am hyper sensitive to sunlight. I’ll be wearing sleeves as much as I can for a while and have to wear sunglasses outdoors otherwise my eyes tear profusely.
My upper left arm into my armpit still have very little feeling but once in a while I get a road rash sensation that sends me over the edge. Supposedly, my nerve endings are trying to make a comeback. One bonus here, I don’t sweat now. Something about the double mastectomy took care of armpit sweat. Seriously, BONUS! I can workout and not smell like a lumberjack in 100 degree weather afterwards. Now that’s a nice silver lining if I ever smelled one before!
Speaking of working out, I thought I was good while going through chemo. I got my miles up to 3 per day and weights every other day and working with a personal trainer. I noticed on the 10th day out of chemo, I felt fantastic on the treadmill and really pushed my speed. I wasn’t winded nor fatigued. I was challenged but in a great way.
My hair is coming in slowly…and all salt and pepper! I don’t mind. After being bald in the dead of winter, IDGAF what comes back! I’ve lived and learned the whole “It’s only hair”
thing. I am hoping to soon be brave enough to not wear a hat outside. I’m tired of hats. My winter ones make my head sweat and my wigs make my head itch so I bought a biker looking studded chemo beanie. Might as well be a little bad ass!!
Side effects don’t stop just because chemo does. That part is frustrating. From what I have read, it takes several hours to a few days for it all to leave our battered bodies after each infusion. The side effects like to hang out longer, as much as as 2-3 months after the last chemotherapy treatment. In the meantime, I am guzzling water and eating very clean in hopes of it cycling out faster. Just because chemo stops, it doesn’t mean we are magically all better. Fatigue can last one to three months after the last chemotherapy. My immune system will take three to four weeks to recover fully so I am still hyper vigilant about germs everywhere. I can still develop neuropathy weeks after chemotherapy has stopped. My toes do hurt a bit and there’s some discoloration on my toe nails. I am hoping it starts to fade and doesn’t get worse.
I put away my large purse which doubled as my chemo bag of tricks every Wednesday. I wanted to lighten my load since my weeks have lightened up now. I don’t need to carry a blanket, various snacks and bottles of water anymore. I also cleared my dresser of my wigs. They’ve taken up residence in a closet elsewhere in the house. I don’t wear them much aside from the pink wig from The Pink Wig Project. I’ll wear that one still on every third Wednesday when I go for Herceptin and Perjeta but since my hair is growing, I won’t be needing that much longer.
Chemo and cancer can age a person real fast, if we let it. Actually, so can motherhood, lol. In both scenarios, it’s vital we take care of ourselves both physically and emotionally. I’m not saying anything you don’t already know. I’m asking that you actually do it. Eat healthy and clean, sleep well, get exercise and get yourselves to the doctor for every exam, on time. I’m on a clear path to wellness. I’ve always pushed myself but now I’m pushing more. Join me.
It's been a long and cold winter. The spring weather continues to warm up, the flowers continue to bloom and grow and the leaves on the trees are coming back. So am I. Spring is a time of new beginnings, beauty and fun…I’ve been given a chance to start over…